Being a teacher means having on your back the weight of educating those who are going to take the world forward in the future. To educate these young children, to mark them, to teach them not only to read and write, but also to be empathetic with their classmates , to be good people, kind, loving, respectful … an artist who shapes the capacities and abilities of the adults of the future, and that means that you must be prepared to give everything, and have a great vocation for this work. There are people who think of teachers as civil servants on a two-month vacation who simply hang out in class and present easy assignments when they don’t want to try too hard. But their responsibility is enormous, and that must also be taken into account. Because being a teacher is not the same as being a good teacher.
It does not matter if you are teaching young students or older people who want to get that title they need once and for all to better manage their lives and find a good job. It doesn’t matter if you are a physical education or English, math or religion teacher. The important thing is that take into account all the work that you are doing, that you enjoy it , even when worse and more complicated times come when you think that none of this is worth it. The effort must be there at all times, because being a teacher is a long-distance career, of more than forty years of effort , sacrifice, but also a lot of satisfaction in knowing that you are contributing something to society with your work, that you are facilitating, improving and even changing the lives of many students, who will remember you forever. These are, for us, the qualities that every good teacher should have .
We are not referring to having had a hard life and having come out of it thanks to teaching , although it is as good an example as any other. We are more on the path of teaching always giving everything and surpassing ourselves every year , improving our way of teaching, applying ourselves to new technologies, being aware of news and changes so as not to be left behind. Self-improvement will allow us to always be the best version of ourselves, to evolve , and thanks to that, to teach our students much better. The worst thing that can happen to a teacher is to get stuck in the same lessons and explanations, without learning, without going further.
Listen to the students
It is clear that, within the classroom , the image of the teacher must be respected by the students . The differentiation is clear: we teach and they learn. The authority cannot be questioned, but that does not mean that we cannot listen to the students, know their doubts, their suggestions even, to improve the classes. Maintaining this dialogue with them will not only allow us to learn much more about the people we have to teach, but also give them the opportunity to express themselves and feel heard , something very important for their self-esteem, especially when they are young boys. Listening to students is an important part of the feedback we are going to receive about our classes, tremendously valuable information if we know how to take advantage of it and we understand that these opinions can be very valid.
Motivate your students
motivation is the main engine of any action that requires effort. The human being, almost naturally, is programmed to do things in the simplest way possible, but sometimes that is not enough and we have to try a little more. How do we get, at an age in which children are thinking about other things, to sit down to study and start learning? Through motivation, to show them that this training will help them in the future to be better people, to have a greater job and social stability, which will also lead to a much better life. There are subjects that are very heavy to study , but that is where the teacher comes in, to motivate his students through games, prizes and other ways to get that barrier they have in front of the study ends up falling
Great communicator
The material we have to teach is what it is, but it will be up to each person to show it and communicate it in an attractive way that makes students interested in the classes. Reading some book notes is extremely boring , and it causes participation and interest to wane. If instead we use a class to discuss a certain topic, or to do a project through slides , the teacher will be able to keep the students’ attention from the first moment . Communication is an essential part of teachers, so that they can reach their students in a simpler way, to connect with them, to get the content they have to explain to rub off on them. It is not just about knowing how to explain well, but about being present, gesturing, knowing how to project the voice …
He loves his job
This would be the first commandment for any teacher worth his salt. We must love our work above all else , because that way, even in the worst moments, we will have something to hold on to so as not to collapse. Teaching the youngest, marking them to such an extent that they remember us for a lifetime, is one of the most beautiful jobs out there , and that is how we should take it. A vocation is essential to be a good teacher , because those who get into this career just for their salary or vacations end up bitter and unwilling to teach. Make sure that this never happens to you. Find a way to fall in love with your job again every day. Look around you and compare yourself with others, to see that you have an absolutely wonderful calling.